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National NHSRF

NHS Retirement Fellowship Established in 1976, the NHS Retirement Fellowship is a registered charity (Reg.No:287936) with no political or religious affiliations. There are numerous branches throughout the UK ( see National Organisation website above). At the National AGM members submit motions for debate. The Council routinely lobby Government departments and other bodies over these and other issues that concern members.

Branch or Postal membership of the Fellowship provides an opportunity for retired NHS staff and their partners to meet and spend time with other like-minded people, to enjoy existing friendships, make new friends and enjoy themselves together. The Fellowship is a registered charity and has approximately 17,000 members across the UK.

What benefits will I get as a member?

Where are the branches?

There are about 200 branches across the UK, in England, Scotland and Wales. A lot of hospitals have a branch meeting on the premises; other branches meet in church halls and community centres. If you worked in a hospital there may be a branch of the Fellowship associated with it. You may wish to join a branch near to where you live or you may decide to join a one associated with your former place of work.

Postal or Overseas membership will be for you if you are unable to attend your nearest branch, call our free membership team number: 0800 9151455