Cardiff City Hall


Welfare and Wellbeing

The Branch Welfare Team seeks to maintain contact with, and provide support and companionship to branch members who are unwell, infirm, bereaved or housebound.When required, a member of the welfare team will arrange contact by telephone and if necessary via a home or hospital visit.

Should you be aware of a branch member whom you think we may be able to help, please contact the Branch Welfare Officer on the email address shown.

As a team we also try to keep up to date with all that is happening in Cardiff which may be of interest to our members. So if you are aware of a social group, event or community issue, please let us know and we can tell everyone else.

Newsletter from - Life for African Mothers

Click here

Members Sales & Wants and Recommended Services

It is intended that, in the future we will develope a section where members may advertise their personal sales and wants as well as providing contacts for any tradesmen or suppliers that they can personally recommend.  (recommended tradesmen)

Some Useful Contacts

Age Connects Wales exists to change attitudes to ageing and thereby improve people's lives. www.ageconnectswales   

Ourbobby is the home of South Wales Police Neighbourhood Policing            

Volunteers required:

Fareshare Cymru

My name is Phil Pinder and I am the volunteer officer for Fareshare Cymru.

About our service:

We take short life 'waste' food from distributors, sort it and deliver it to local charities who turn it into nutritious meals for those in need including community kitchens, homeless hostels, and after school clubs. We are currently short of volunteer drivers and driver's mates to help us deliver this food in Cardiff and South East Wales. We have found that volunteering for us has been hugely rewarding for people who have retired, so I am contacting you in the hope that some of your members may be interested in  helping us out. our website: will provide an overview of what we do with the help of our volunteers.

If you feel that you would be interested in helping us, or at least finding out a bit more, please feel free to contact me (details below).

Many thanks for your time,

Phil Pinder

Volunteering Officer & Project Officer 

FareShare Cymru 

Unit S5, Capital Business Park






Independant Age Logo




 18 Avonmore Road London W14 8RR   Helpline 0800 319 6789

About our service:

Independent Age's Friendship Services are designed to reduce loneliness in older people. Our dedicated volunteers. offer regular company and conversation to older people, via a regular weekly or fortnightly chat, over the phone or face to face Our service is delivered by dedicated volunteers who receive training to understand the many issues older people face. Telephone friendship calls are available across the UK and face to face visits are available in some areas of England, Scotland and Wales.

Independent Age have launched their FREE friendship service for people 65+ in Cardiff!

More Information

Gavin Stewart
Wellbeing Officer - Wales 
T 020 7241 8544
M 07522 240 139



The Attic Project

The Attic Project is Big Lottery funded project run in joint partnership with VCS Cymru and Care & Repair, we cover Newport, Cardiff and the Vale. The project helps older vulnerable people to make space in their homes while providing opportunities to reminisce. By making space we are not only enabling handy people to carry out repairs and adaptions, but we are also allowing people to share their memories triggered by the process  and with the help of our reminiscence volunteers, they can pass these memories on to their friends and family.

We are looking for people to volunteer for the following roles;

Attic Volunteer

This role requires volunteers to help older people to sort through their possessions and to give suggestions on whether or not to keep, donate or sell items. This role  involves befriending and listening to the memories shared in an informal conversational approach.

Reminiscence Volunteers

This role is more about befriending and capturing the memories. This includes befriending and working towards putting together a story of the memories trigged by the decluttering process and could involve audio recording, filming, taking photographs, creating a scrap book or simply organising old photos.

Attic Volunteer: Helping Older People get online

Many beneficiaries would like to sell items online but lack the confidence to do so. The volunteer will assist with showing the client how to navigate online in a safe way and will build on confidence to enable them to progress on their own.

We usually ask all persons who have expressed an interest to complete an expression of interest form, to meet for an informal chat and to attend training. This usually lasts for one day. People must be patient, empathetic and have good listening skills.

We can reimburse travel expenses and all volunteers will have to complete a DBS check.

For more information please get in touch with the Reminiscence Project Coordinator, Catherine, on the following details;

Catherine Linnie - Godden  Tel. 07934531001


City Hospice

My name is Alex Fagan and I'm the Volunteer Officer at City Hospice. We're Cardiff's local hospice and cared for over 750 patients in the city last year. We also care for their families with bereavement support, welfare advice, and social support.

We rely on volunteers to support a number of our services, including patient drivers. These volunteers provide a vital lifeline to patients by bringing them to our hospice centre in Whitchuch, allowing them to attend day groups, clinics, and therapies.

We're currently looking for more volunteer drivers and I thought some of your members might be interested.

Some of our volunteers are currently part of the NHS Retirement Fellowship and wondered if there was a way I could promote this opportunity to the rest of the group? Perhaps some leaflets, a stand at one of your meet ups, or maybe even a short talk about the activities of the hospice?

The kinship between the NHS and the hospice movement has always been strong and it seems only natural to continue this relationship.

I can provide plenty more information on the volunteering opportunity and the work of the hospice in general. I hope to hear from you soon.

Many thanks, Diolch yn fawr,Alex Fagan Volunteer Officer

Mob 0768164454 Tel 02920 524150

Ty Hosbis, Whitchurch Hospital Grounds, Park Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 7BF


Headway Cardiff

Kathryn Jones

Good afternoon,

I hope you don't mind me contacting you, please disregard my email if you feel it is not appropriate. My name is Kat and I am the Volunteer Coordinator for Headway Cardiff & South East Wales, a local brain injury charity.

I am looking to contact local, retired NHS staff to find out if anyone would be interested in volunteering for us here in either our Independence & Wellbeing Centre or within our community groups to help support people who have been affected by an acquired brain injury. Please find attached the descriptions of the roles available which include:

-          Support Volunteer                               Click for further Information
-          Activity Group Volunteer                     Click for further Information                   
-          Social Group Facilitator Volunteer        Click for further Information
-          Volunteer Gardener

We have had several past NHS staff members who have volunteered with us previously and therefore I thought it would be worthwhile to reach out and see if it might appeal to others. These are ongoing opportunities and we ask for a minimum of 2-3 hours per week commitment. Within the role descriptions, I have included a list of personal qualities that we are looking for and benefits offered for those who volunteer.

If you do think it would be of interest to anyone, please feel free to forward this email on or to pass on my contact details below. I would also be very happy to come and speak to a group if you think this might be beneficial.

Many thanks for taking the time to read my email and hopefully, I might hear from you in the near future.

Kind regards and best wishes,

Kathryn Jones
Volunteer Coordinator

Headway Cardiff & South East Wales
Rookwood Hospital
Tel: 02920 577707

My normal working days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday


Volunteering as patients
for medical students

Dear Volunteer Patients,
I hope this email finds you well and that you have had a fantastic Christmas and New Year.
We will be in touch over the coming months to see if you are available to help us with some more Medical Student examinations during 2018.
Using Volunteer Patients is such a fantastic way for our students to learn and we really do value your time and support. We are expanding our exams and therefore require larger numbers of patients as the Medical Course progresses here at Cardiff. I wondered if you might be able to help to spread the word regarding our Volunteer Patient scheme?
If you have any friends, family members, neighbours or anyone who you feel might like to help us with these examinations please could you pass on our contact information and urge the interested party to get in touch? I have attached our patient recruitment leaflet and poster that you might see dotted around your local GP surgery or at the Outpatients Department at UHW just in case anyone needs some more information.
We really appreciate your continued and ongoing support.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes,
Tessa Ash  Assessment Officer (ISCE)